BAUHAUS 100th Anniversary

Anniversary Artwork Design

This artwork was created for the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus. The most influential artistic and design movement of the 20th century celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the namesake school in 2019. By transforming the movement’s famous geometric forms into a logo that looks like an emoji, we tried to transmit the basic Bauhaus principles to a 21th century audience. The artwork was highly successful in the centenary exhibitions held in Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Budapest and Pécs.

It is a great honour that this piece, selected from thousands, was chosen as the only Hungarian artwork published in the prestigious volume ‘The Bauhaus Brand 1919-2019: The Victory of Iconic Form Over Use‘, edited by the University of Kassel / Philipp Oswalt, former director of Foundation Bauhaus Dessau and published by Scheidegger & Spiess (Zurich, Switzerland), on the same page with giants like Google or the Bauhaus Archiv. The book also includes all the well-known Bauhaus logos, typographic works, graphic designs, buildings and objects eg. by Max Bill, Lajos Kassák, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, László Moholy-Nagy, Oscar Schlemmer, Marcel Breuer, Adolf Loos, Frank Lloyd Wright, Otto Wagner, Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos and many more. See more about the book here.